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User Authorization with Firebase Walkthrough
Steps Used to add Firebase to Crypto Tracking Application
What is Webpack 5 and Module Bundling
Webpack 5 and module bundlers are used with Frontend Frameworks, like React or CRA.
Material-UI Styled Components Implementation with JSS
Material-UI, a popular React UI framework and using the makeStyle option hook for styled components.
Bootstrap Framework
Bootstrap is the most popular CSS Framework for developing responsive and mobile-first websites.
Application Programming Interfaces
API stands for application programming interface, a concept that applies everywhere from command-line tools to enterprise Java code to Ruby on Rails web apps. An API is a way to programmatically interact with a separate software component or resource.
Postgres Notes
PostgreSQL is an advanced, enterprise class open source relational database that supports both SQL (relational) and JSON (non-relational) querying. It is a highly stable database management system, backed by more than 20 years of community development which has contributed to its high levels of resilience, integrity, and correctness. PostgreSQL is used as the primary data store or data warehouse for many web, mobile, geospatial, and analytics applications
React Helmet Async
React Helmet Async lets you quickly add Meta and other Head Tags to your Single Page React Application
Flutter Introduction
Flutter lets you create mobile apps that are pixel perfect for any device. Lets go over some basics together.
NextJS: Core Feature Overview
NextJS is a the React framework for production - it makes building fullstack React apps and sites a breeze and ships with built-in SSR.